Make your public administration article accessible to everyone

In the last years, public administration scholars discussed a lot about the (practical) relevance of their research. Does our research make a difference? Does it help to improve government and the life of citizens? What questions should we answer to be relevant? These questions are important if you think of public administration research as an application-oriented discipline – as I do. Like medicine, we do basic research to understand the functioning of public administrations, but we also try to find out things that help in everyday life of public organizations.


Good Leadership in the Public Sector?

PortalWissen, The Research Magazine of the University of Potsdam, reports in its recent issue about the results of my PhD thesis. The article is written very well and summarizes the results and their relevance very well. With permission of the author Matthias Zimmermann I reprint the article here. The Original article can be read here. […]